Notre-Dame Cathedral is no stranger to disease, plagues and the myriad other challenges humanity has faced during her more than 850-year-existence. 

Notre-Dame Cathderal

Over the centuries, Notre-Dame Cathedral has provided people with solace and relief, and even at times she provided a place in which to be cured.

During the Middle Ages, the cathedral served as a hospital for the sick affected by various plagues, sometimes housing as many as 600 patients.

As an important religious center, Notre-Dame de Paris has also been associated with healing miracles, perhaps most powerfully with the miracle attributed to Saint Genevieve in the 12th century.

Saint Genevieve is the patron saint of Paris. Genevieve (419 – 512 AD) is best known for having saved Paris from Attila the Hun in 451 AD.  She was also venerated as a healer, and, in Paris specifically, she was invoked for deliverance from floods and excessive rain.

As an important figure for Paris, Saint Genevieve is immortalized in many artistic representations. One of the most iconic statues of Saint Genevieve stands above the entry of Notre-Dame Cathedral.

OUR LADY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT MORE THAN EVER. If you are able, please consider making a donation to the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris, to help bring this monument of hope and light back to us.